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Please provide the information below for our regular updates, breaking news, and upcoming events on transforming children’s mental and behavioral health in California.

Become A Coalition Member

The success of the California Children’s Trust depends on active cross-sector collaborations and collective action among advocates, public systems, parents, providers, philanthropy, and elected officials. Sign up to join us.

In addition to our regular email updates, as a Coalition member (organization or individual) you will get:

  • Invitations to special events
  • Opportunities to network with other stakeholders
By signing this agreement, I affirm five Key Principles and give permission to include me or my organization publicly as a “Member of the California Children’s Trust Coalition.”

1. Early intervention is critical to healthy development. California faces a crisis regarding the social, emotional, and developmental health of our children. We must invest in early and proactive interventions to protect and promote the well-being of our children.

2. California needs to widen access to behavioral health supports. Children and families need access to a range of behavioral health approaches and strategies that nurture social, emotional and developmental health.

3. Racism and poverty contribute to health inequities across California. Improving children's and families experiences and addressing health inequities, structural racism, and multi-generational poverty perpetuated in current systems are central to improving child well-being in California.

4. Collaborative and accountable systems change is the way forward. We need an integrated and coordinated statewide redesign of our child-serving systems that holds itself accountable to children and families.

5. The time for change is now. We have a unique opportunity--right now-- to change California’s policies, financing and fragmented service delivery systems to improve children's behavioral health and well-being.

The Trust will NOT represent me or my organization as supporting any particular policy position or proposal, platform, or recommendation without first obtaining advanced written authorization.