August 30, 2021

Joint Hearing Senate Special Committee on Pandemic Response and Education

On August 18, 2021, the Senate Education Committee held a joint informational hearing with the Senate Special Committee on Pandemic Emergency Response. Alex Briscoe, CCT's Principal, was invited to present on how the state can increase and improve support for the mental and behavioral health needs of students as they return to in-person learning during ongoing challenges of the pandemic. Read more.

February 19, 2021

The Joyest Sunlight of Liberation

I would love pain-free liberation—to experience an abundance of joy, a life that comes easy, for a lifetime forever. I would love a limitless vision of life, liberty, and the ... Read more.

November 4, 2020

Latest Research: Advancing Mental Health and Well Being

The Well Being Trust and Viacom CBS partnered together to conduct quantitative and qualitative research on American's thoughts and attitudes on their own mental health, social forces and mental health, and mental health policy. The research included in-depth interviews with policy influencers, an online survey of 1,701 individuals which oversampled typically underrepresented populations like Black people, Native American people and LGBTQ+ people. Read more.

August 26, 2020

California Children’s Trust and Breaking Barriers Call for New and Expanded Partnerships Between Health Systems and School Leadership to Leverage Untapped Federal Funds for Critical Mental Health Services for Students

California Children’s Trust and it’s partner, Breaking Barriers, have released a “Practical Guide for Financing Social, Emotional and Mental Health in Schools”, designed to help education leaders and California access millions of dollars of Medi-Cal funding students are entitled to in order to support the social and emotional needs of our students, even more essential during COVID-19. The guide notes that less than half of California’s school districts currently participate in the LEA BOP program.1 The guide provides school leaders and California with models currently being used, and critical details and guidance on how to access services and supports California’s children need. Read more.

May 27, 2020

The COVID-19 crisis demands a transformation of our children’s mental health system

The transition to technology-enabled support for children’s mental health and well-being presents a number of compelling possibilities: continuity of service for children who move around due to poverty, being in foster care, or living in migrant families; better cultural matching, as any therapist anywhere can be matched with any child in need; service delivered outside of traditional hours, and without the need to commute across town in California traffic. But it’s only one part of the adaptation and the transformation that the current moment might bring about. Read more.